

Quick Start Classic

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This section of help is designed to allow you to be playing Flux within a few minutes.  However, it is strongly encouraged that you review the other topics covered in help as well.

Player Login


After choosing to play Classic Mode, you are presented with the player login screen. 

If you have played before, you will find your name in the drop-down box.

If you need to set up a new player, click the Add button.  A new box will appear where you can type in your name.  Click the OK button to add the new name or the Cancel button to abort the addition.

When the desired name is selected, press the OK button at the bottom of your screen to continue to Game Options.

Game Options


There are many options available to you in Classic Mode.  You can choose the size of the puzzle, the number of varieties of the pieces, whether or not there are bombs, and whether the pieces are balanced.

Size:  Small/Medium/Large/Custom

The Small size is a 6x6 grid.
The Medium size is a 8x10 grid.
The Large size is a 13x8 grid.
The Custom option allows you to specify your own dimensions, from a miniscule 2x2 grid all the way up to a massive 99x99 puzzle.

* High and Low scores will be recorded on your computer for all sizes, but you may only submit scores of the pre-defined levels to the Flux Uplink.

Bombs:  Yes/No

If Yes, bombs will be used in the random creation of a level.
If No, bombs will not appear during gameplay.

Balance Pieces:  Yes/No

If Yes, each variety will be as evenly distributed as possible during level creation.
If No, pieces will be generated on a completely random basis.

* Only Balanced scores are eligible to be submitted through the Flux Uplink.

Other Options


These options only change the visual representation of puzzles and have no bearing on puzzle creation or gameplay.

Piece Set

Use the arrows to cycle through available piece sets.   Choose Random to have a piece set selected for you.


Use the arrows to cycle through available backgrounds which will scroll behind the puzzle during gameplay.  Choose Random to have a background selected for you.  Choose None to play with a static black background.


















© 1999 MasterWorks Software